Some of the most impactful moments in our lives have included our grandparents. The stories we have gleaned from them, whether they were verbal or written are in our memories; but what would we give to have them captured on camera, told in their own voices? As we now raise our young children, we only have our recollections of these moments to share.
We thought it was time to change that. This is how Timepiece Project was born. When we first approached our parents with the idea, they were truthfully a little timid to get in front of a camera. They wondered, “What do I have to share that is that interesting? I don’t think I have any stories to tell.” On the contrary, once we guided them through thoughtful questions, the memories flowed. We now forever have their legacies documented in their own voice, at their own pace, brought to life with music, visuals, photographs and video from the past. They feel honored, revered and loved. That was all the motivation we needed to get this project off the ground.